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Content Marketing: Udacity DMND

Content marketing is not only a powerful tool to increase awareness for a brand or product, but also an effective way to build a ‘personal brand’ as a Digital Marketer. In this project the focus was creating content focused on why students like myself chose to take the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program, and elevate the platform of our personal brand.

The initial objective was to create a short-form blog post highlighting the DMND Program. The blog post followed the SCQA framework (situation, complication, question, and answer.)

Once the content was created, posts were crafted for three social platforms to strategically distribute  the blog post to the target audience. Social media best practices (tone, character limits, multimedia etc.) for each channel were kept in mind and positioned accordingly.

Tools Used: Hubspot, Hootsuite, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

Let's connect over LinkedIn and discuss how I aim to bring value to your firm today.

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