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PPC: Udacity Enterprise

Utilizing Google Ads, Udacity ran a campaign to advertise the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program, divided into two ad groups. When customers clicked on an ad they were taken to the landing page for the Nanodegree program overview, where they could then follow the CTA button to download the program syllabus. This conversion was assigned an estimated value of $5. The campaign's objective was to gather at least 200 conversions (syllabus downloads), with a conversion rate of at least 10%.

In this project, the performance of a Google Ads search campaign was evaluated for Udacity Enterprise. Performance data at the campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword level was analyzed and compared towards the marketing objective set out. The data was used to assess how well the campaign performed, and to make further recommendations for how future iterations of the campaign might perform better.

Tools Used: Google Ads, Google Analytics

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